Ray Of Extermination

By Clement446
self glyphburst glyphaoe glyphaoe glyphaoe glyphaoe glyphsensitive glyphChainaoe glyphaoe glyphaoe glyphaoe glyphsensitive glyphPropagate SelfPropagate MissileFilter Not Selfhex glyphamplify glyphamplify glyphignite glyphextend_time glyphSparkamplify glyphamplify glyphLife LinkWater Spearamplify glyphamplify glyphamplify glyphheal glyphRequires infinite spell demo

Lo' and behold ! My mightiest creation, possibility ever... This formidable spell requires the Infinity Glyph module enabled (Look at the FAQ), and will heal you and OBLITERATE anything that looked at you funny... Be wary of the "potential" lag, as this spell has never been play tested.

Ars ElementalArs TrinketsToo Many Glyphs