Custom Behaviours

EntityBehaviourRequires Redstone?
AllaysVacuum Hopper
BlazesEmit Light
ChickensLay Eggs
CreepersPlay creeper fuse sound
DecoysPull all nearby entities towards the jar
EnderdragonUsing a bottle on the jar produces Dragon’s Breath
Elder GuardiansProvide mining fatigue gong effect
FrogsEat nearby magma cubes to produce Froglights
Glow SquidsEmit Light
MooshroomsCan be milked and bowled for soup, shearing them turns them into Cows
PandasCan sneeze to produce slime balls
PiglinsCan barter when gold is dropped nearby
PufferfishProduce a redstone signal when a player is nearby
SheepCan be sheared and will periodically eat grass to regrow their wool
VillagersCan be traded with and will restock as usual
DefaultPlay the mobs idle sound, and passes through interactions